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Self Doubt

I hate self doubt... hate it hate it hate it...

But today, I feel full of it. I just have a creepy feeling that if circumstances had gone differently in the last 6 months, I'd be traveling a different road. There's no way to verify this without making waves I don't care to make, so I'll just leave it at that. I guess this feeling is a good thing, though because it is allowing me to make, what I think, are better decisions - the type that will get me to where I want to go. Without this feeling, I might have made a decision that I think would be a mistake to make.

I'm just very frustrated that for all the things that I can do that I know other people can't do, I worry about the things that I struggle with. Sometimes, I wonder if I should take a step back and just stay in my comfort zone. Unfortunately, I would be very bored.

So, onward and upward! I know all of this is for the best, so I just have to keep moving, one foot in front of the other.

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