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The scenic route...

This morning, I was thinking about my commute to work. Most of it involves the highway, but then there's a full 10 minute drive down a winding road. Normally, I consider this an inconvenience, but in a way, I guess it's kind of cool to have to take a few minutes to enjoy the surroundings without having any real alternative to doing so.

If that makes any sense....


What the....?

Where the frig does my money like to run off to? Honestly....


Back to the gym!

Went to the gym for the first time since August! Yay!


Random thoughts

This was a pretty cool weekend. Reconnected with old friends and was forced to clean the house due to entertaining company. Looking forward to the ski trip we're planning. Came to the conclusion that I am a mental case like everyone else. Maybe this is a good post for a picture of something. Let me see what I have...

This will do...



Ever watch your whole team go to a lunch you weren't invited to? Ah well. Nothing personal. I had a great time eating free cafeteria lunch sitting with someone I've worked on a project with previously.


My voice is on a Google compilation video!

Neat - Google took the video responses to the "What's your Gmail story?" post and compiled them into one. The one I created as secretary of the Skyliners field corps is there!



I wish I was here....


Third Tynes' the Charm!!!

Okay, so it's a bad pun and I heard it on TV, but WHO CARES? The Giants are going to the SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Next chapter in "Who Wants to Send Verizon Money?"

Looks like Verizon's going to collect from the cable companies, too...



I'm baaack!

Welcome to 2008.

This is my first post of the year. Decided to stay on Blogger and just maintain the blog since I had to leave Comcast when I moved. Hope you like the template I picked. Anybody still reading? Only problem is that the links in the post point to pictures that are no longer online. I may fix this eventually - I have all of the site archived - I would just need to upload the pics to a page with a similar structure and fix all the links. Not real high on my priority list, tell you the truth. After all, I remember what the pictures are, and I think I'm far more likely to go back and look at my old posts than anyone else who would venture to read my drivel.

I had thought I had maybe posted since my wedding, but I guess not. Things have gone by in a blur since then.

So, yeah, I'm a married lady, too. :-)