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I baked a pie and other news!

I found a recipe for coconut custard pie online and made it for my mom for Mother's Day. It was awesome! Also learned how to play some "Mexican Train" dominoes game. That was interesting. And finally saw my aunt's new house. That was cool.

My vet called this morning. The fatty liver disease is definitely what Pumpkin's got going on. We need to start force feeding him high calorie food because he's still not eating enough. I figure best to start him on that tomorrow morning... New day, new food. Plus, Ron has been at a drum corps show today, and if we don't figure out how to set up the force feeding stuff together, there's no chance that we'll ever do it the same way. Suspecting that this would be the news, Ron and I picked up a tube of NutriCal last night that I've been randomly sticking on the cat's paws. I think that this has probably only led to him wanting less food in tonight's feeding, though. When we move to force feeding, we're going to have to feed him at least 4 times a day, which he is not used to, so it's going to be tough. At least he is our (more) gentle cat and he doesn't have front paws claws. (Edited on 5/12 because the thought of my cat running around with no front paws was making me laugh hysterically! -LV)

So, I have no idea how we're going to coordinate it, but we're soon going to be on the road to recovery, so wish us luck!

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