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BTW - for anyone who might be wondering, Pumpkin is still eating, though it's been tough to get him to. Taking it a day at a time.
A story about life, computers, bowling, drum corps, assorted detritus, one fuzzy white cat, "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one." --A. J. Lieblinga crazy red keeshond two crazy keeshonden and in memory of Pumpkin...
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Skippy |
Pre-ordered Wii Fit from Amazon.com and got it yesterday. Tried some of the balance exercises last night and worked on 10 minutes of Yoga this morning. I like how it tells you when you're supposed to breathe. Now I can do Yoga with instruction and feedback in an environment where I don't feel like a moron. Maybe I've finally found a good excuse to be a little more active.
In other news, congrats to David Cook on winning American Idol!!! I'm glad that the comments from the judges didn't skew the votes the wrong way.
Billy and Erica found out today that my niece will be a girl! :-)
Here is the cute little puppy that I will be bringing home on May 24th! If you would like to help me select a name, please take the poll!
The Relay for Life was a lot of fun and I was very glad to have participated! Thanks to all who have supported me and my team in this!
Got a lot of stuff going on this weekend (between cat feedings), so it should be pretty exciting!
Marching with the Melrose Blackhawks in Staten Island on Saturday. Then it's down to Vonage for the first Holmdel Relay for Life. Then after a few hours of sleep, it will be down to Atlantic City for our bowling league's bus trip on Sunday.
Pumpkin seems to be doing okay. He's eating when I put the food in front of him with a spoon, but not on his own. I'm going to see if I can get through next week without having to work from home.
GAS Pictures - some pics from the trip to Canada
Well, Pumpkin was refusing to eat this morning. Turns out he was just tired of tuna. Ron got some baby food w/ ham, and I got him to eat almost half the bottle. He's been drinking water, too, which is good. He's also been visiting the litter box in the morning. I've been working from home in the mornings to accommodate his multiple feedings. I hope he doesn't get too used to my feeding him with a fork or a spoon.
Well, Pumpkin just plain doesn't like the vet food, but he's grooving on Fancy Feast Tuna with Gravy. Got him to eat almost a full can yesterday, and he's already off to a good start today. Hoping to talk to my vet today to see how he feels about this. I just can't see stressing the cat out further by forcing him to eat something he obviously doesn't like when there's a food out there that he does like.
Okay, note to self... Cats hate to be force fed. I guess we got him to eat more than normal, but it certainly wasn't 3/4 of a can of high calorie cat food. Turkey baster wasn't working, so we resorted to my fingers. I've been trying to corner him and get him to smell the food and lick my fingers - all the while saying, "Pumpkin, lick lick!" I just really hope we can get him to eat this stuff or else my vet will be sticking a tube in his stomach. And I'm sure he will not like those feedings any better...
I found a recipe for coconut custard pie online and made it for my mom for Mother's Day. It was awesome! Also learned how to play some "Mexican Train" dominoes game. That was interesting. And finally saw my aunt's new house. That was cool.
My vet called this morning. The fatty liver disease is definitely what Pumpkin's got going on. We need to start force feeding him high calorie food because he's still not eating enough. I figure best to start him on that tomorrow morning... New day, new food. Plus, Ron has been at a drum corps show today, and if we don't figure out how to set up the force feeding stuff together, there's no chance that we'll ever do it the same way. Suspecting that this would be the news, Ron and I picked up a tube of NutriCal last night that I've been randomly sticking on the cat's paws. I think that this has probably only led to him wanting less food in tonight's feeding, though. When we move to force feeding, we're going to have to feed him at least 4 times a day, which he is not used to, so it's going to be tough. At least he is our (more) gentle cat and he doesn't have front paws claws. (Edited on 5/12 because the thought of my cat running around with no front paws was making me laugh hysterically! -LV)
So, I have no idea how we're going to coordinate it, but we're soon going to be on the road to recovery, so wish us luck!
Looks like the test results may not come back until tonight whenever. Pumpkin seemed peppy this morning, though. When I came down the stairs, he was not in the basement as he's been lately, but he was on the back of the couch! He chowed down on the food I gave him until he decided he was full and then spent some time on the living room floor. Then, as I brought some clothes up from the laundry room, he was upstairs in the bedroom!
Still waiting for Pumpkin's test results, but the vet is heavily leaning towards Feline Fatty Liver Disease. This means that he will be fine so long as we can keep him eating. He ate a good amount of wet food tonight - and let me keep feeding it to him even when he walked away, which seems like something positive. He's snoozing now so maybe I'll wait a little while and see if he'll drink down some cat milk. Seeing Pumpkin not interested in eating is definitely unusual and I hope he's back to his old self soon!! I would not like to have to set the poor little guy up with a feeding tube!
An ultrasound for a cat is between $400 and $475, exact amount to be determined when they actually do the test. They won't be able to do the biopsy because one of his blood numbers came up high. Hopefully, they can find out what's wrong with just the ultrasound and we can act appropriately.
Pumpkin didn't seem to be eating that well this morning. He did eat one treat and a little bit of deli ham, so at least it's something. I'm sure it's pissing him off that we keep taking him to the vet. This is his third visit in three days.
UPDATE: They did the ultrasound and the vet was surprised to see that the liver was enlarged and the gallbladder was small. He thinks that they can do the test with the needle to get a sample so that he can get a diagnosis. We'll be able to pick him up tonight and we'll probably get the results in by tomorrow afternoon.
Looks like there is a good chance Pumpkin's weight loss may be due to liver damage. I will keep the world updated as we get through a few days of testing.
I feel like a total ass... Ron and I took Pumpkin to the vet today because we're worried that he's losing weight. While we waited for the doctor, we heard a dog whining continuously. We thought he just didn't want to be at the vet's... When we walked out, I saw it was a keeshond! Well, normally, I'm pretty shy and I don't just start talking to strangers... Well, I blurt out, "Is that a keeshond?" then I said to the dog, "What's the matter, baby?" Well, the wife of the couple that was waiting with the dog starts crying and leaves the room. Ron taps me on the shoulder and says, "I think they're putting it down." Stupid, stupid, stupid. I could have spent the next 10 minutes hiding under a rock. My emotions keep flashing from anger at the vet's office for not providing a private room to this poor family to sadness that such a beautiful dog has to be euthanized to disgust at myself for opening my fat mouth and making that poor woman suffer even more through my dumb ignorance...
I'm hoping that maybe I balanced out my karma by attending an eagle scout ceremony for a great boy in Hazlet this evening.... Or hopefully, it's good enough that I'm at least smart enough to feel badly about the situation...