If I have any readers left, I apologize for being so remiss in updating this that I haven't posted at all since the end of October! I guess I haven't taken much time for ramblings that require thought, and my short term goings on have been well documented on Facebook.
Facebook status is an interesting thing. It can be clever or completely mundane and yet a conversation can still be sparked by it. Suffice it to say that I still need to focus on work, bowl better and play the horn more. Amongst family and dog stuff and the holidays, of course. Upon reflection, 2008 has been a pretty good year, and I am happy and grateful for all the wonderful things I've gotten to see and do.
Definitely need to post more often...
Happy Anniversary!
So, Ron and I have been married for one year today! :-)
It's kind of a weird thing because we've been together for seven years, but we never celebrated anniversaries before. We don't have terribly grand plans. We bought a 42" flat panel tv that we've been wanting for a while. And we're going out with my parents and grandparents tomorrow. (BTW - my grandparents have also recently celebrated their anniversary!)
Faith is coming home soon!
Great news!!! Erica and Bill will be leaving the hospital with Faith tomorrow and returning home to Connecticut.
Tonight, the new family will be staying in the Launching Pad at the hospital, which is a room where parents and baby can stay in the hospital but do not receive help or care from the nurses or staff. In the Launching Pad, parents have the opportunity to practice caring for their babies with the comfort of knowing that if a problem arises, there are competent nurses and doctors around. It will be Erica and Bill’s first experience caring for Faith totally free of wires or tubes, and the first experience they will have inserting the feeding tube and administering medicine without someone watching them.
If all goes well, Uncle Paul will pick them up tomorrow afternoon and drive them to Bethel, where Faith, Erica, and Bill will see Faith’s room for the first time. Fortunately for Faith, she has two fantastic aunts and a wonderful grammy who went over to the condo the past few weeks to get everything ready for her. J
The next big hurdle will be the next surgery in the spring….which of course Erica and Bill will keep you informed on.
We are all so excited. Erica and Bill and Faith can’t wait for you to come visit. Again, they thank you for all of your well wishes, warm thoughts, and prayers.
Karen (Billy's sister-in-law)
Free MacBook Pro!
All you need to do is fill out one offer and refer some friends...
I don't normally do stuff like this, but hey - why not?
I've been remiss!
I guess lately I've found it easier to keep updating my facebook status than to actually write something meaningful in here!
Ah, well.
Not much going on, really, besides my niece, which is my brother and sister-in-law's story to tell (she's doing well, btw). Working, drum corps, chorus, play rehearsal and shuffleboard at the Elk's...
I'm in the Wizard of Oz!
I got a call that I will be in the ensemble - yippee!!! :-)
Auditions are over
Now we'll see what comes of it. I think I'll probably get some really small role. Looking forward to getting involved no matter what I'll be doing.
Pre call backs
Oddly, I have very little nervousness at all about the call backs tonight. I'm just so happy that I get to go - I'm just going to have fun and see what comes of it!
Wizard of Oz Part 1 - Pre-audition
Well, I won't lie - I'm definitely nervous. However, here are some reasons why I shouldn't be worried.
1. I've got nothing to lose. Even if I'm not selected for any role, I still have a group to sing in where people think I'm terrific and various other performance opportunities in drum corps.
2. I've done things that are harder. Like learning and performing that first Skyliner drill.
3. It's not me as a person they are judging. It's the current state of my abilities and whether or not they think that I will be a good fit for any of the available roles.
4. This and every other thing that I strive for is an opportunity to learn and grow.
Great article on writing reports!
This is for usability reports, however, I think that many people in many types of jobs could benefit from the concepts presented.
How to Write a Report
I will be Faith's Godmother!
My brother thrilled and surprised me in an instant message today asking me to be Faith's Godmother! I accepted, and I am crazy excited right now! I know this is a huge responsibility, and I will do my best!
September 11th Blue
It is a gorgeous day out there... There's something about September when summer begins to turn into fall... The sky is so perfectly blue... And all it reminds me of is September 11th...
But Why?
Update - Ahhh, Bach! So, it seems to be a overflow of whatever type of variable they are using. Interesting!
Okay - I found a plethora of blogs and the like pointing out how wrong this is, but can anyone tell me why such an error might occur?
Google Oops - 399999999999999-399999999999998 = 0?
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
So, I've made up my mind - I'm going to audition for the community musical, The Wizard of Oz. In preparation, I had my drum corps horn instructor create some sheet music for me, and I input the solo part into Garage Band (because I'm too impatient to wait for him to give me the recording..) I've chosen Somewhere Over the Rainbow, since it's encouraged to use music from the show. I have it on repeat on my ipod and am hoping that by osmosis I will burn the pitches into my head. I am also working on where to breathe. Auditions are the 24th. Wish me luck!
Drunken drivel is so much fun...
And it wasn't even from me...
Blame it on the Barcelona
Did I tell you about Nancy's wife Joe..?(Or was it Joe's husband Nancy? Who the hell can tell?)
Add that to singing ABBA (increasingly badly) and you can tell it was one interesting day...!
Rochester 2008
Sky Alumni does drill!!!
It was a great weekend! Some highlights below...
Ron and I walked into a liquor store in New York... Ron asks, "Do you sell beer here?" The store owner answers, "You can't buy beer in a liquor store in New York. Try the nearest gas station." (Wha?)
And now about my night at the opera DCA preliminary competition. My friends manage to get themselves and me let into the VIP section right around the time the larger corps were starting to perform. I was standing behind the two rows of chairs, using what I thought was my indoor voice (but there was beer involved, so maybe I was a little animated...) I had not been seeking conversation, but in the course of a half an hour, several people I knew and one person who seemed to be trying to impress me approached, and we talked. All of a sudden, in the middle of Bush's show, which I had been trying to watch with an open mind, a woman snaps at me, "Can you PLEASE move back. You talk through every corps!" I, naturally, apologized profusely, and as I was walking away, this older woman connected to an oxygen tank chimes in (rudely), "Thank you - I'm trying to hear the music." This led me to the conclusion that I am obviously not cut out to sit in the VIP section. You couldn't pay me to spend time in their company again. It's a shame that not everyone has figured out that drum corps is just as much about the people as it is about the music. I guess maybe you'd have to have MARCHED it to know that. I do feel badly that I disturbed these ladies, though I think they both certainly could have handled themselves better. I'm glad that I took the higher road by simply apologizing and walking away, even though my friend offered to tell them what he thought of them. :-)
The funniest thing about the situation is that if you know me, you know I am not rowdy, so it definitely makes for a funny story. Reminds me of the time someone that I marched with kicked a garbage can when he found out our score and almost got kicked out of the stadium. He was not the usual profile for rabble rousing, either.
It was definitely fun, and I'm glad that we went.
The only thing worse than Friday-itis is Thursday-when-you-have-Friday-off-and-it's-a-holiday-weekend-itis!
I want to leave for Rochester....
DCA finals, here we come! Just have to get past today first!
Victims of Our Dreams...
Had some friends over for dinner last night, and it was WAY more fun than you should have on a Monday night when you have to work the next day, that's for sure!
My co-worker said the coolest thing at lunch yesterday... He was talking about all the work he did on his garden last week and all the work he'll be doing over the long weekend next week, and he said, "We are all victims of our dreams."
How true...
I can still bowl!
I won a bowling bag!
Last night was the officer's meeting for the leagues at my bowling alley. My dad is the president of my league, and he brings me as a guest. After the meeting, there is a buffet dinner (the food is great!) and then a no tap tournament (which means that you only have to knock down 9 pins to get a strike). I won the women's prize with a 216, 169 and 205! :-)
I don't care who you are - that's funny right there!
Birthday lunch
Took my aunt out to lunch for her birthday and we had a great time. Gave her the necklace I bought her in November in St. Thomas on Ron and my honeymoon. It's about freaking time!!!! :-)
To the doctor's again
Best of luck to Billy, Erica and Faith as they go in for some more scheduled tests tomorrow.
Friday afternoon thoughts...
View the world through the glasses that are colored the way you want to see the world. Perception may be reality.
The birthday dinner
Thunderstorms, so I couldn't use the grill... Power went out while I was cooking with an electric stove... Steak was overcooked because the thermometer lied to me. Otherwise, dinner was awesome, and Ron really liked it. :-) Oven fries were the best.
Happy birthday, Ron!
Today is Ron's birthday! I'm going to make dinner for him, so if you don't see any posts for a while, we didn't survive. ;-)
Tuesday night rehearsal
I was having a pretty good night playing mellophone yesterday, when all of a sudden, we finished playing a song, and my friend turns to me and says, "Lisa - you blew your BALLS off on that!" Figuratively speaking, of course.
Later that night, I was trying to figure out why my stomach felt like I just did 50 crunches, and then I realized I must have been breathing correctly (yes - there is a correct way to breathe and most of us do it wrong.)
So - yeah - that was pretty cool.
Update: She's bruised but okay. The stuff landed on her shoulder.
A good friend of mine got hurt at work today because some overhead shelving fell on top of her. Last I heard, her other half was picking her up to take her to the hospital. Hopefully, all is okay, but since I have no information, I'm worried enough to be distracted.
Baby Shower
Yesterday my mom threw a baby shower for my sister-in-law. It was very nice, and everyone had a good time. My grandfather made some nicely painted wooden birdhouses for prizes, and I was in charge of games. Erica got nearly everything she needs for Faith, and that's without even getting anything from her side of the family yet. She decided to save her family's shower for after the baby is born to celebrate her healthy birth, which I thought was a great idea. So, that puts us about 6 weeks away from the birth of my niece!
Need to be more assertive....
I think I've finally reached a crossroads where my quiet, easy going nature is going to start affecting my career. My review says in a nutshell that I do good work, but I'm too laid back for my position. I need to become more extroverted and every once in a while say what's on my mind instead of taking 20 years to formulate it exactly the way I want it to come out.
I really want to do this because I want to progress in my career. The question is, can I do it without behaving like someone that I don't want to be?
Another Monday passes....
And as I told one of my friends at work, now that Monday's over, the rest of the week can't be that bad!
I'm pretty happy with the way Reviews By Lisa is going. I'm getting out a review every other day (still trying for every day!) and some of my friends have sent me some encouraging words.
Skippy's being a maniac tonight, so I'd better get off my computer and help Ron.
Goodnight all!
Mama Mia!
Saw Mama Mia yesterday with some friends from Melrose. It was great - really funny! And I'm sure the music is going to be fun to sing in chorus for the GAS in May. Then went to the Blue Moon for open mic night. It was a good evening to end a long work day in meetings.
In other news, my geek radar is really going nuts over this one - http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/japanfan/a8f6/
Go to Reviews By Lisa!
I've started another blog!
The purpose is to provide my unique point of view on the products and services that I use every day and maybe make some money in ad revenue and by being an Amazon Associate. I really hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think.
Strokes are Bad
Found out that one of my coworkers had a stroke over the weekend and is in ICU. He's only 35 years old. Don't know many details, but from what I've heard, it was bad enough that he's paralyzed and can't talk right now.
Unreal... Your whole life can change just like that.
Prepare for the future while enjoying life now, I guess. You never know what kind of hand life is going to deal you.
Trip to the ER instead...
Wanted to go to the Elks meeting, but we ended up in the ER instead. Ron had gone to his doctor's office, and they were worried he had pneumonia, so they sent him to the ER. Thankfully, it was determined it was bronchitis. Hopefully, he'll feel better soon!
Elks Tonight!
Tonight is the first Elks meeting that Ron and I will attend as members! :-)
I'm very excited, especially since this will be a meeting to bring in some more people, so we get to see the ceremony that we had to participate in from the outside. I'm really looking forward to getting involved. Just have to be careful of making too many time commitments!
Clifton Show
Saturday was the Clifton DCA show, and it was extremely fun. Really enjoyed seeing the people that I used to march with. Singing the National Anthem with the chorus was nice, though too quick!
There is definitely a special bond that forms between you and the people you have marched with.
Also had the company picnic that day. That was fun, too, but I had to leave early. Am glad that I went to both events.
Yay - I made it to the finish line!
Had a great time at the Regis and Kelly high heel-a-thon. I didn't win or make it on tv, but it was a lot of fun, and my aunt and cousin enjoyed it, too. I was slow and steady and not last. :-)
I'm number one (hundred and ninety)!
I am in this clip somewhere - I came in around when the clock above the finish line was in the 40's, and when I cross the finish line, I raise my arms above my head. I'm in a white t-shirt towards the right of the screen!
Another cool thing is that we will be in the Guinness Book of World Records for participating in the largest high heel race!
Go Team Faith!
Tomorrow's the Race!
Okay - I think I'm set! I have my new pink heels, homemade Team Faith shirt and shorts ready! I will be sure to post plenty of pictures.
PDF is now a standard!
This is a good thing. Everyone is using it - it might as well gain an extra measure of legitimacy.
High Heel-a-thon!
The funniest thing happened. I was looking for ways to help Faith, and I came across this website while on the March of Dimes website:
It's a High Heel-a-thon sponsored by Regis and Kelly - proceeds of registration going to the March of Dimes. I applied through a lottery system, never expecting to actually get picked, and I found out that I am registered to participate! I believe I'm one of about 400 women participating. It would be unliekly, but if I were to win, the $25,000 would be enough to pay for all of the surgeries my niece will have to endure by the time she is two years old. If nothing else, I would get to be on TV, get noticed and possibly meet Regis and Kelly!
Yay - I didn't screw up!
I actually took care of a birthday lunch today for two of my coworkers. I bought cards, made lunch reservations, got the cards signed and bought a cake. So far so good. I didn't leave anything home or mix up the cards or anything else crazy that could have happened. :-)
Nintendo Wall Graphics
Is it wrong for me to think this is awesome?
Cool Article
If this is true in humans as well as mice, this is quite a breakthrough!
Monday afternoon drivel....
I remember turning 30 in April and being so happy that I had finally (sort of) figured things out. Now between losing the cat, finding out about Faith, having a new puppy and various other things that are going on in my life right now, I can honestly and truly say that I don't know anything. I guess that's okay, though because it's quite possible that nobody else really does either. We all just go around acting like we do. I guess it's a human thing.
I'm an Elk!
Ron and I were initiated into the Elks last night. Yay!
"The faults of our members we write on the sand, their virtues upon the Tablets of Love and Memory."
Powerful stuff...
Train Stations Need Parks (or something)...
I've been taking the train and Vonage shuttle to work this week because my car is in the shop and my mechanic can't figure out what the heck the noise it's making is from. (Hey, if he's ruled out all the major stuff, I'm willing to live with the noise.)
The thing is this... I like to get to the train station early because I'm paranoid. So, I'm generally hanging out for a half an hour to get on the 8:42 train. The only thing to look at is Henry St.
Once I get to Hazlet, I need to wait 20 minutes for the shuttle. There is nothing but parking lot.
Beautiful day like today... Out in the fresh air... No scenery.
Seems wrong, no?
Rest in Peace, Pumpkin
Pumpkin died this morning, June 8th, 2008. I know a lot of people say this about their pets, but he was an incredible cat. He used to demand attention by crawling on Ron's back while he was on the computer, jumping into our laps, or laying on my books as I was studying for my master's degree. He would visit us at night, lay on my hair and spend hours purring while we were trying to sleep.
Pumpkin taught me what it is to really have a pet and not have your parents do all the work for you like my previous pets.
From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam:27, 1850:
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
Random Update
Skippy pees on the floor.
Pumpkin is still extremely fussy about eating.
Helmut will wait until you take him out alone to do his business (or even walk more than 3ft away from the house!)
Had a cold. Gave it to Ron. Had an eye infection.
Getting new sunglasses tomorrow.
Work is busy.
I've lost 5 pounds since starting Wii Fit and that's with not using it every day.
Welcome, Skippy!
![]() |
Skippy |
BTW - for anyone who might be wondering, Pumpkin is still eating, though it's been tough to get him to. Taking it a day at a time.
Wii Fit Rocks!
Pre-ordered Wii Fit from Amazon.com and got it yesterday. Tried some of the balance exercises last night and worked on 10 minutes of Yoga this morning. I like how it tells you when you're supposed to breathe. Now I can do Yoga with instruction and feedback in an environment where I don't feel like a moron. Maybe I've finally found a good excuse to be a little more active.
In other news, congrats to David Cook on winning American Idol!!! I'm glad that the comments from the judges didn't skew the votes the wrong way.
It's (going to be) a girl!
Billy and Erica found out today that my niece will be a girl! :-)
Name That Puppy
Here is the cute little puppy that I will be bringing home on May 24th! If you would like to help me select a name, please take the poll!
Relay for Life
The Relay for Life was a lot of fun and I was very glad to have participated! Thanks to all who have supported me and my team in this!
Weekend Events
Got a lot of stuff going on this weekend (between cat feedings), so it should be pretty exciting!
Marching with the Melrose Blackhawks in Staten Island on Saturday. Then it's down to Vonage for the first Holmdel Relay for Life. Then after a few hours of sleep, it will be down to Atlantic City for our bowling league's bus trip on Sunday.
Pumpkin seems to be doing okay. He's eating when I put the food in front of him with a spoon, but not on his own. I'm going to see if I can get through next week without having to work from home.
GAS pictures and stuff
GAS Pictures - some pics from the trip to Canada
Well, Pumpkin was refusing to eat this morning. Turns out he was just tired of tuna. Ron got some baby food w/ ham, and I got him to eat almost half the bottle. He's been drinking water, too, which is good. He's also been visiting the litter box in the morning. I've been working from home in the mornings to accommodate his multiple feedings. I hope he doesn't get too used to my feeding him with a fork or a spoon.
Fancy Feast Tuna with Gravy
Well, Pumpkin just plain doesn't like the vet food, but he's grooving on Fancy Feast Tuna with Gravy. Got him to eat almost a full can yesterday, and he's already off to a good start today. Hoping to talk to my vet today to see how he feels about this. I just can't see stressing the cat out further by forcing him to eat something he obviously doesn't like when there's a food out there that he does like.
My cat hates me :-(
Okay, note to self... Cats hate to be force fed. I guess we got him to eat more than normal, but it certainly wasn't 3/4 of a can of high calorie cat food. Turkey baster wasn't working, so we resorted to my fingers. I've been trying to corner him and get him to smell the food and lick my fingers - all the while saying, "Pumpkin, lick lick!" I just really hope we can get him to eat this stuff or else my vet will be sticking a tube in his stomach. And I'm sure he will not like those feedings any better...
I baked a pie and other news!
I found a recipe for coconut custard pie online and made it for my mom for Mother's Day. It was awesome! Also learned how to play some "Mexican Train" dominoes game. That was interesting. And finally saw my aunt's new house. That was cool.
My vet called this morning. The fatty liver disease is definitely what Pumpkin's got going on. We need to start force feeding him high calorie food because he's still not eating enough. I figure best to start him on that tomorrow morning... New day, new food. Plus, Ron has been at a drum corps show today, and if we don't figure out how to set up the force feeding stuff together, there's no chance that we'll ever do it the same way. Suspecting that this would be the news, Ron and I picked up a tube of NutriCal last night that I've been randomly sticking on the cat's paws. I think that this has probably only led to him wanting less food in tonight's feeding, though. When we move to force feeding, we're going to have to feed him at least 4 times a day, which he is not used to, so it's going to be tough. At least he is our (more) gentle cat and he doesn't have front paws claws. (Edited on 5/12 because the thought of my cat running around with no front paws was making me laugh hysterically! -LV)
So, I have no idea how we're going to coordinate it, but we're soon going to be on the road to recovery, so wish us luck!
And waiting some more...
Looks like the test results may not come back until tonight whenever. Pumpkin seemed peppy this morning, though. When I came down the stairs, he was not in the basement as he's been lately, but he was on the back of the couch! He chowed down on the food I gave him until he decided he was full and then spent some time on the living room floor. Then, as I brought some clothes up from the laundry room, he was upstairs in the bedroom!
Waiting, waiting, waiting...
Still waiting for Pumpkin's test results, but the vet is heavily leaning towards Feline Fatty Liver Disease. This means that he will be fine so long as we can keep him eating. He ate a good amount of wet food tonight - and let me keep feeding it to him even when he walked away, which seems like something positive. He's snoozing now so maybe I'll wait a little while and see if he'll drink down some cat milk. Seeing Pumpkin not interested in eating is definitely unusual and I hope he's back to his old self soon!! I would not like to have to set the poor little guy up with a feeding tube!
Note for future reference....
An ultrasound for a cat is between $400 and $475, exact amount to be determined when they actually do the test. They won't be able to do the biopsy because one of his blood numbers came up high. Hopefully, they can find out what's wrong with just the ultrasound and we can act appropriately.
Pumpkin didn't seem to be eating that well this morning. He did eat one treat and a little bit of deli ham, so at least it's something. I'm sure it's pissing him off that we keep taking him to the vet. This is his third visit in three days.
UPDATE: They did the ultrasound and the vet was surprised to see that the liver was enlarged and the gallbladder was small. He thinks that they can do the test with the needle to get a sample so that he can get a diagnosis. We'll be able to pick him up tonight and we'll probably get the results in by tomorrow afternoon.
Fingers crossed....
Looks like there is a good chance Pumpkin's weight loss may be due to liver damage. I will keep the world updated as we get through a few days of testing.
Stupid, stupid, stupid....
I feel like a total ass... Ron and I took Pumpkin to the vet today because we're worried that he's losing weight. While we waited for the doctor, we heard a dog whining continuously. We thought he just didn't want to be at the vet's... When we walked out, I saw it was a keeshond! Well, normally, I'm pretty shy and I don't just start talking to strangers... Well, I blurt out, "Is that a keeshond?" then I said to the dog, "What's the matter, baby?" Well, the wife of the couple that was waiting with the dog starts crying and leaves the room. Ron taps me on the shoulder and says, "I think they're putting it down." Stupid, stupid, stupid. I could have spent the next 10 minutes hiding under a rock. My emotions keep flashing from anger at the vet's office for not providing a private room to this poor family to sadness that such a beautiful dog has to be euthanized to disgust at myself for opening my fat mouth and making that poor woman suffer even more through my dumb ignorance...
I'm hoping that maybe I balanced out my karma by attending an eagle scout ceremony for a great boy in Hazlet this evening.... Or hopefully, it's good enough that I'm at least smart enough to feel badly about the situation...
Goodbye, Skyliners...
I think I am done trying to get the Skyliners back on the field. I can't work with a group of backstabbers.
We're All Freaks!
Intelligent life? What are the chances?
Relay for Life
Please help me and my team raise money for the Relay for Life at Vonage this year.
I Relay because I want to join people around the world in celebrating those who have survived cancer, remembering the people we've lost, and fighting back by supporting the lifesaving mission of the American Cancer Society.
Awesome Beefsteak Dinner
The Skyliners ran a beefsteak dinner Saturday night, and it was completely awesome!! Everyone had a great time, and we even made money! I was very happy to be part of it and very proud of the administrative team that worked together and made it happen!
Easter was nice
Had a good Easter weekend. Saw pictures of my niece / nephew "the guppy." Got half of the concrete in my yard chunked up. Got some SUNSHINE!!!! :-)
First Day of Spring, says the calendar
Can we turn up the thermostat? I NEED SOME SPRING!!!!!! I'm ready!
Why Do You Do Your Kid's Homework?
My new pet peeve is parents who do their kids' homework. Do you realize that by the time your kid is 17, the only thing he/she will be qualified to do is flip burgers? Believe me, your twenties are FAR more fun if you have a decent paying job and money to spend and you are not attached by the purse strings to your parents.
PLEASE do your kids a favor and make them figure out their homework with your guidance - not the other way around.
Helicoptor Game
This is fun!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Ever get that email about Fleming and Churchill?
Don't believe everything you get in your inbox!
One of the things I was worried about when I took my current position was my lack of experience in writing requirements. It was totally awesome when my boss came over and complimented me on the requirements I had been writing for one of my projects. I think having other people validate the work I'm doing will give me the confidence I need to become an established business analyst.
In other news, I'm both glad and disappointed that the parade I was going to be marching in tomorrow with the Blackhawks has been postponed due to the impending storms. It will not be the same to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in April.
The English language is cool!
Today I was going nuts because I was confused between the words "collaborate" and "corroborate." I later ended up typing "corraborate," which of course is not a word.
Being that I found on this site that it's a common English error, I guess I'm not the only one.
Fasting is no fun...
Need to fast for a biometric screening today. Can't wait to see what's left in the cafeteria for lunch at 2:30.
Some incentive to post more often!
Blogging is good for you - http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/03/03/blogging-social-health.html
Of course, when you have a blog like mine that most people don't read and nobody comments on, the benefits would be minimal.
This was on PBS on Sunday - it was awesome! I loved having the actors and actresses doubling as the orchestra.
Company gifts....
Okay, first the company gives out mugs made of recycled plastic to save the environment and then skips a whole bunch of us... Then they give out polo shirts of random sizes and some of us ended up with 2X.
I'm thinking stick with monetary gifts. :-)
Lunar eclipse
Apparently it takes a lunar eclipse for me to bowl well. A 562 series including a 200 game!
Ever burp a keeshond?
A couple of days ago, I was patting Helmut on the back after he had eaten a bit of food and he burped really loud. It was great.
Music rocks!
I really think that singing / playing an instrument is one of the best disciplines a person can get involved in. It's just damn fun.
Evil Product
Little, little, pins....
Human Survival Genes Pinpointed (Should be: Human Race Concept Genetically Abolished)
I find it amazing that the below quote is so great, yet it's buried in the back end of this article.
"But the genes that explain the phenotypic differences between populations only represent a tiny part of our genome, confirming once again that the concept of 'race' from a genetic standpoint has been abolished," he added.
Cool Stuff about New Jersey
Got this email from my friend Doug.
If you've ever lived in Jersey ...you'll appreciate this!!! If you have seen this before, sorry but here it is again.
> New Jersey is a peninsula.
> Highlands, New Jersey has the highest elevation along the entire eastern >seaboard, from Maine to Florida.
> New Jersey is the only state where all of its counties are classified as >metropolitan areas.
> New Jersey has more race horses than Kentucky.
> New Jersey has more Cubans in Union City (1 sq mi.) than Havana, Cuba .
> New Jersey has the densest system of highways and railroads in the US .
> New Jersey has the highest cost of living.
> New Jersey has the highest cost of auto insurance.
> New Jersey has the highest property taxes in the nation.
> New Jersey has the most diners in the world and is sometimes referred to >as the "Diner Capital of the World."
> New Jersey is home to the original Mystery Pork Parts Club (no,not
> Spam): Taylor Ham or Pork Roll.
> Home to the less mysterious but the best Italian hot dogs and Italian >sausage w/peppers and onions.
> North Jersey has the most shopping malls in one area in the world, with >seven major shopping malls in a 25 square mile radius.
> New Jersey is home to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island .
> The Passaic River was the site of the first submarine ride by inventor >John P. Holland.
> New Jersey has 50+ resort cities & towns; some of the nation's most >famous: Asbury Park, Wildwood, Atlantic City, Seaside Heights, Long Branch, >Cape May.
> New Jersey has the most stringent testing along our coastline for water >quality control than any other seaboard state in the entire country.
> New Jersey is a leading technology & industrial state and is the largest >chemical producing state in the nation when you include pharmaceuticals.
> Jersey tomatoes are known the world over as being the best you can buy.
> New Jersey is also the world leader in blueberry and cranberry
> production (and here you thought Massachusetts ?)
> Here's to New Jersey - the toast of the country! In 1642, the first >brewery in America , opened in Hoboken .
> New Jersey rocks!
> The famous Les Paul invented the first solid body electric guitar in >Mahwah, in 1940.
> New Jersey is a major seaport state with the largest seaport in the US , >located in Elizabeth . Nearly 80 percent of what our nation imports comes >through Elizabeth Seaport first.
> New Jersey is home to one of the nation's busiest airports (in Newark ), >Liberty International.
> George Washington slept here. Several important Revolutionary War battles >were fought on New Jersey soil, led by General George Washington.
> The light bulb, phonograph (record player), and motion picture projector, >were invented by Thomas Edison in his Menlo Park , NJ , laboratory.
> We also boast the first town ever lit by incandescent bulbs.
> The first phonograph records were made in Camden , NJ (RCA).
> The first seaplane was built in Keyport ,NJ and the first airmail (to >Chicago) was started from Keyport, NJ.
> New Jersey was home to the Miss America Pageant held in Atlantic City.
> The game Monopoly, played all over the world, named the streets on its >playing board after the actual streets in Atlantic City.
> Atlantic City has the longest boardwalk in the world, not to mention salt >water taffy.
> New Jersey has the largest petroleum containment area outside of the >Middle East countries. Maybe that explains our gas prices.
> The first Indian reservation was in NJ, in the Watchung Mountains.
> New Jersey has the tallest water-tower in the world. (Union,NJ!!)
> New Jersey had the first medical center, in Jersey City
> The Pulaski SkyWay, from Jersey City to Newark, was the first skyway >highway.
> NJ built the first tunnel under a river, the Hudson (Holland Tunnel).
> The first baseball game was played in Hoboken , NJ , which is also the >birthplace of Frank Sinatra.
> The first intercollegiate football game was played in New Brunswick in >1889 (Rutgers College played Princeton).
> The first drive-in movie theater was opened in Camden , NJ , (but
> they're all gone now!).
> New Jersey is home to both of " NEW YORK 'S" pro football teams!
> The first radio station and broadcast was in Paterson , NJ .
> The first FM radio broadcast was made from Alpine, NJ, by Maj. Thomas >Armstrong.
> All New Jersey natives: Sal Martorano, Jack Nicholson, Bruce
> Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Jason Alexander, Queen Latifah, Susan Sarandon,
> Connie Francis, Shaq, Judy Blume, Aaron Burr, Joan Robertson, Ken Kross, >Dionne Warwick, Sarah Vaughn, Budd Abbott, Lou Costello, Alan Ginsberg, >Norman Mailer, Marilynn McCoo, Flip Wilson, Alexander Hamilton, Whitney >Houston, Eddie Money, Linda McElroy, Eileen Donnelly, Grover Cleveland, >Woodrow Wilson, Walt Whitman, Jerry Lewis, Tom Cruise, Joyce Kilmer, Bruce >Willis, Caesar Romero, Lauryn Hill, Ice-T, Nick Adams, Nathan Lane, Sandra >Dee, Danny DeVito, Richard Conti, Joe Pesci, Joe Piscopo, Joe DePasquale, >Robert Blake, John Forsythe, Meryl Streep, Loretta Swit, Norm an Lloyd, >Paul Simon, Jerry Herman, Gorden McCrae, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, >Phyllis Newman, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Eva Marie Saint, Elisabeth Shue, >Zebulon Pike, James Fennimore Cooper, Admiral Wm.Halsey,Jr., Dave Thomas >(Wendy's), William Carlos Williams, Ray Liotta, Robert Wuhl, Bob Reyers, >Paul Robeson, Ernie Kovacs, Joseph Macchia, Kelly Ripa, and, of course, >Francis Albert Sinatra
> and "Uncle Floyd" Vivino.
> The Great Falls in Paterson , on the Passaic River , is the 2nd highest >waterfall on the East Coast of the US .
> You know you're from Jersey when . . .
> You don't think of fruit when people mention "The Oranges."
> You know that it's called Great Adventure, not Six Flags.
> You know that the state isn't one big oil refinery.
> You know what a "jug handle" is.
> You know that WaWa is a convenience store.
> You know that the state isn't all farmland, but still has pl enty.
> You know that there are no "beaches" in New Jersey --there's the >shore--and you don't go "to the shore," you go "down the shore." And when >you are there, you're not "at the shore"; you are "down the shore."
> You know how to properly negotiate a circle, and you knew that the last >sentence had to do with driving.
> You know that this is the only "New" state that doesn't require "New"
> to identify it (try: Mexico, York, Hampshire - doesn't work, does it?).
> You know that a " White Castle " is BOTH a fast food chain AND a fast >food sandwich.
> You don't think "What exit?" as a location is very funny.
> You know that people from the 609 area code are "a little different."
> Yes they are!
> You live within 30 minutes of at least three different malls.
> You refer to all highways and interstates by their numbers.
> Every year you have at least one kid in your class named Tony.
> You've gotten on the wrong highway trying to get out of the mall.
> You know that people from North Jersey go to Seaside Heights , and people >from Central Jersey go to Be lmar, and people from South Jersey go to >Wildwood.
> You weren't raised in New Jersey --you were raised in either North >Jersey, Central Jersey or South Jersey .
> You don't consider Newark or Camden to actually be part of the state.
> You remember the stores Korvette's, Two Guys, Rickel's, Channel, >Bamberger's and Orbach's.
> You've had a boardwalk cheese steak and vinegar fries.
> You start planning for Memorial Day weekend in February.
> And finally . . .
> pumped your own gas.
Samba Blues...
I wish that all computer networking between all operating systems would just work... I've reached a point where when I'm not at work, I'm just not in the mood to figure stuff out.
The scenic route...
This morning, I was thinking about my commute to work. Most of it involves the highway, but then there's a full 10 minute drive down a winding road. Normally, I consider this an inconvenience, but in a way, I guess it's kind of cool to have to take a few minutes to enjoy the surroundings without having any real alternative to doing so.
If that makes any sense....
Random thoughts
This was a pretty cool weekend. Reconnected with old friends and was forced to clean the house due to entertaining company. Looking forward to the ski trip we're planning. Came to the conclusion that I am a mental case like everyone else. Maybe this is a good post for a picture of something. Let me see what I have...
This will do...
Ever watch your whole team go to a lunch you weren't invited to? Ah well. Nothing personal. I had a great time eating free cafeteria lunch sitting with someone I've worked on a project with previously.
Third Tynes' the Charm!!!
Okay, so it's a bad pun and I heard it on TV, but WHO CARES? The Giants are going to the SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Next chapter in "Who Wants to Send Verizon Money?"
Looks like Verizon's going to collect from the cable companies, too...
I'm baaack!
Welcome to 2008.
This is my first post of the year. Decided to stay on Blogger and just maintain the blog since I had to leave Comcast when I moved. Hope you like the template I picked. Anybody still reading? Only problem is that the links in the post point to pictures that are no longer online. I may fix this eventually - I have all of the site archived - I would just need to upload the pics to a page with a similar structure and fix all the links. Not real high on my priority list, tell you the truth. After all, I remember what the pictures are, and I think I'm far more likely to go back and look at my old posts than anyone else who would venture to read my drivel.
I had thought I had maybe posted since my wedding, but I guess not. Things have gone by in a blur since then.
So, yeah, I'm a married lady, too. :-)