There's something I've been wondering ever since the first the I've heard the song "Drinking Me Lonely" by Chris Young. It's a good song, but my absolute favorite thing about it is whatever note he's singing on the "lone" part of the word "lonely."
I'm trying to figure out why it is that I like this note so much? I mean, I could be driving along, not really paying attention to what's playing on my XM Radio, and then all of a sudden, there's the note, and it's like the greatest thing in the world... (And why should a sad country song make me happy? I think I'm a strange, strange person sometimes...)
Is it the the jump in range between the word "me" and the word "lonely?" Is it the voice of the singer? Is it the key the song is being sung in? For someone who has played music for so long, I really don't know much theory... (haha - the one time I tried to take a theory class, it was unfortunately being taught by a teacher who had previously had a stroke... Took the whole semester for him to figure out why if he wrote on the marker board with a hi-lighter, it would disappear...)
Maybe some mysteries will never be solved...
24 hours at Johns Hopkins
14 years ago
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