Sean Holton, someone I met in the Skyliners, passed away this morning. He was a very good man with many friends in drum corps. I'm always at a loss for what to say in these situations. :-(
Rubik's Cube
Wow - I'd like to try this some time...
Wii ownership justification for adults...
Yes - that must be the reason I want one - exercise!
It's sort of like that old shredded wheat commercial where the adult wants it for the health benefits, but the "kid within" wants it for the sugar coated side...
Hey, Wii-der! Strike up the band!
Wii would love to play... However, Wii cannot obtain a Wii because Wii don't think that it's becoming of a 28 year old with no children to line up in front of a Circuit City before it opens to snatch one up. Wii also are quite annoyed at all the folks who buy up all the Wii's for the sole purpose of selling them at a bloated amount on Ebay + exhorbitant shipping costs.
I'm really not quite sure why I want one of these so badly besides a bizarre desire to relive my childhood on an adult income level... I guess maybe because I didn't catch the iPod bug...
I also enjoy....
Can a person fall in love with a single note?
There's something I've been wondering ever since the first the I've heard the song "Drinking Me Lonely" by Chris Young. It's a good song, but my absolute favorite thing about it is whatever note he's singing on the "lone" part of the word "lonely."
I'm trying to figure out why it is that I like this note so much? I mean, I could be driving along, not really paying attention to what's playing on my XM Radio, and then all of a sudden, there's the note, and it's like the greatest thing in the world... (And why should a sad country song make me happy? I think I'm a strange, strange person sometimes...)
Is it the the jump in range between the word "me" and the word "lonely?" Is it the voice of the singer? Is it the key the song is being sung in? For someone who has played music for so long, I really don't know much theory... (haha - the one time I tried to take a theory class, it was unfortunately being taught by a teacher who had previously had a stroke... Took the whole semester for him to figure out why if he wrote on the marker board with a hi-lighter, it would disappear...)
Maybe some mysteries will never be solved...
Inherit the Wind
I added the proverb that provided the title for the play "Inherit the Wind" to my blog description not because I have any sort of close affinity for the Bible. I added it because I have noticed that it is very often applicable in situations where people I feel close to do things that I do not think are right. Not that I necessarily should judge them, but I feel that as my mom always says, "What goes around, comes around."
Bed came in!
The bed's in and I like it. Got over my cold (finally!)
Bowling's tonight. It's time for us to start picking up. Hopefully Dad's new ball will help.