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A Simple Idea, Superbly Executed...

A Simple Idea, Superbly Executed
I heard this phrase today, and it really makes me think... I think that it's people who can figure this out who are the ones that can get ahead in today's business world. And it may even be better than winning the Mega Millions, which I wouldn't mind, either... Fingers crossed.


Birthday Sundays!

I think Ron's birthday on Friday finally marked the end of the stream of weekly birthday celebrations at Bahrs landing!

Of course, I won't know because it's back to rehearsal on Sunday nights! Looks like I'll have to get my Sherilyn and Frankie fix on Saturday nights instead!


Sick... But trying to stay positive!

I have some kind of summer cold, but I'm going to force myself to be happy because Faith's feeding tube is gone!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

Also trying to remember... The journey IS the destination!

That's all I got for now.


Self Doubt

I hate self doubt... hate it hate it hate it...

But today, I feel full of it. I just have a creepy feeling that if circumstances had gone differently in the last 6 months, I'd be traveling a different road. There's no way to verify this without making waves I don't care to make, so I'll just leave it at that. I guess this feeling is a good thing, though because it is allowing me to make, what I think, are better decisions - the type that will get me to where I want to go. Without this feeling, I might have made a decision that I think would be a mistake to make.

I'm just very frustrated that for all the things that I can do that I know other people can't do, I worry about the things that I struggle with. Sometimes, I wonder if I should take a step back and just stay in my comfort zone. Unfortunately, I would be very bored.

So, onward and upward! I know all of this is for the best, so I just have to keep moving, one foot in front of the other.