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I'm in the Wizard of Oz!

I got a call that I will be in the ensemble - yippee!!! :-)


From the makers of Family Guy

LOL - this is great!


Auditions are over

Now we'll see what comes of it. I think I'll probably get some really small role. Looking forward to getting involved no matter what I'll be doing.

Pre call backs

Oddly, I have very little nervousness at all about the call backs tonight. I'm just so happy that I get to go - I'm just going to have fun and see what comes of it!


Wizard of Oz Part 2 - Post Audition

I got called back for tomorrow!!!!!! :-) W00t!

Wizard of Oz Part 1 - Pre-audition

Well, I won't lie - I'm definitely nervous. However, here are some reasons why I shouldn't be worried.

1. I've got nothing to lose. Even if I'm not selected for any role, I still have a group to sing in where people think I'm terrific and various other performance opportunities in drum corps.
2. I've done things that are harder. Like learning and performing that first Skyliner drill.
3. It's not me as a person they are judging. It's the current state of my abilities and whether or not they think that I will be a good fit for any of the available roles.
4. This and every other thing that I strive for is an opportunity to learn and grow.


Great article on writing reports!

This is for usability reports, however, I think that many people in many types of jobs could benefit from the concepts presented.

How to Write a Report


I will be Faith's Godmother!

My brother thrilled and surprised me in an instant message today asking me to be Faith's Godmother! I accepted, and I am crazy excited right now! I know this is a huge responsibility, and I will do my best!


September 11th Blue

It is a gorgeous day out there... There's something about September when summer begins to turn into fall... The sky is so perfectly blue... And all it reminds me of is September 11th...


But Why?

Update - Ahhh, Bach! So, it seems to be a overflow of whatever type of variable they are using. Interesting!

Okay - I found a plethora of blogs and the like pointing out how wrong this is, but can anyone tell me why such an error might occur?

Google Oops - 399999999999999-399999999999998 = 0?


Somewhere Over the Rainbow

So, I've made up my mind - I'm going to audition for the community musical, The Wizard of Oz. In preparation, I had my drum corps horn instructor create some sheet music for me, and I input the solo part into Garage Band (because I'm too impatient to wait for him to give me the recording..) I've chosen Somewhere Over the Rainbow, since it's encouraged to use music from the show. I have it on repeat on my ipod and am hoping that by osmosis I will burn the pitches into my head. I am also working on where to breathe. Auditions are the 24th. Wish me luck!


Drunken drivel is so much fun...

And it wasn't even from me...

Blame it on the Barcelona

Did I tell you about Nancy's wife Joe..?
(Or was it Joe's husband Nancy? Who the hell can tell?)

Add that to singing ABBA (increasingly badly) and you can tell it was one interesting day...!