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Another Monday passes....

And as I told one of my friends at work, now that Monday's over, the rest of the week can't be that bad!

I'm pretty happy with the way Reviews By Lisa is going. I'm getting out a review every other day (still trying for every day!) and some of my friends have sent me some encouraging words.

Skippy's being a maniac tonight, so I'd better get off my computer and help Ron.

Goodnight all!


Mama Mia!

Saw Mama Mia yesterday with some friends from Melrose. It was great - really funny! And I'm sure the music is going to be fun to sing in chorus for the GAS in May. Then went to the Blue Moon for open mic night. It was a good evening to end a long work day in meetings.

In other news, my geek radar is really going nuts over this one - http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/japanfan/a8f6/


Go to Reviews By Lisa!

I've started another blog!


The purpose is to provide my unique point of view on the products and services that I use every day and maybe make some money in ad revenue and by being an Amazon Associate. I really hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think.


Hi, Mom!

Found out that my mom is reading my blog. Cool! I'll be even more impressed when she starts one!

Also, happy birthday to my brother, Billy.


Strokes are Bad

Found out that one of my coworkers had a stroke over the weekend and is in ICU. He's only 35 years old. Don't know many details, but from what I've heard, it was bad enough that he's paralyzed and can't talk right now.

Unreal... Your whole life can change just like that.

Prepare for the future while enjoying life now, I guess. You never know what kind of hand life is going to deal you.



Hooray for Friday!


Trip to the ER instead...

Wanted to go to the Elks meeting, but we ended up in the ER instead. Ron had gone to his doctor's office, and they were worried he had pneumonia, so they sent him to the ER. Thankfully, it was determined it was bronchitis. Hopefully, he'll feel better soon!


Elks Tonight!

Tonight is the first Elks meeting that Ron and I will attend as members! :-)

I'm very excited, especially since this will be a meeting to bring in some more people, so we get to see the ceremony that we had to participate in from the outside. I'm really looking forward to getting involved. Just have to be careful of making too many time commitments!


Clifton Show

Saturday was the Clifton DCA show, and it was extremely fun. Really enjoyed seeing the people that I used to march with. Singing the National Anthem with the chorus was nice, though too quick!

There is definitely a special bond that forms between you and the people you have marched with.

Also had the company picnic that day. That was fun, too, but I had to leave early. Am glad that I went to both events.


Yay - I made it to the finish line!

Had a great time at the Regis and Kelly high heel-a-thon. I didn't win or make it on tv, but it was a lot of fun, and my aunt and cousin enjoyed it, too. I was slow and steady and not last. :-)

I'm number one (hundred and ninety)!

I am in this clip somewhere - I came in around when the clock above the finish line was in the 40's, and when I cross the finish line, I raise my arms above my head. I'm in a white t-shirt towards the right of the screen!

Another cool thing is that we will be in the Guinness Book of World Records for participating in the largest high heel race!

Go Team Faith!


Tomorrow's the Race!

Okay - I think I'm set! I have my new pink heels, homemade Team Faith shirt and shorts ready! I will be sure to post plenty of pictures.


Global Warming

Global Warming
Global Warming

PDF is now a standard!

This is a good thing. Everyone is using it - it might as well gain an extra measure of legitimacy.



High Heel-a-thon!

The funniest thing happened. I was looking for ways to help Faith, and I came across this website while on the March of Dimes website:


It's a High Heel-a-thon sponsored by Regis and Kelly - proceeds of registration going to the March of Dimes. I applied through a lottery system, never expecting to actually get picked, and I found out that I am registered to participate! I believe I'm one of about 400 women participating. It would be unliekly, but if I were to win, the $25,000 would be enough to pay for all of the surgeries my niece will have to endure by the time she is two years old. If nothing else, I would get to be on TV, get noticed and possibly meet Regis and Kelly!


Yay - I didn't screw up!

I actually took care of a birthday lunch today for two of my coworkers. I bought cards, made lunch reservations, got the cards signed and bought a cake. So far so good. I didn't leave anything home or mix up the cards or anything else crazy that could have happened. :-)


Nintendo Wall Graphics

Is it wrong for me to think this is awesome?


Cool Article

If this is true in humans as well as mice, this is quite a breakthrough!
