I've (sort of) figured something out that I've been banging my head against the wall for about two weeks over.
The cool part about my job is that I get to play w/ stuff and try to make it work... The hard part is that things that I *have* to make work by a certain time.
Ah well.
More Vonage Stuff
Here's another good thing to read if you want to read the news that makes sense and avoid the stupid things analysts make up for headlines.
2007 NY Skyliners Season Kickoff Dance
Woo hoo - it's time to paaar-ty!!!
2007 New York Skyliners Season Kickoff Dance
Date: April 21st, 2007
Time: 8:00PM - Midnight
Place: Dover American Legion (2 Legion Place Dover, NJ)
Cost: $35 per person
Price Includes: Hot and cold buffet / beer, wine and soda / coffee, tea and dessert
For tickets contact: Ron Lawrence (908)756-0289 / ronlfrmnj@aol.com
You do not have to be a member of any of the Skyliners organizations to attend. This event is limited to 150 guests. Must be 21 or older.
Verizon vs Vonage patent case
For anyone worried about the future of Vonage, this article sounds the most truthful of any I've seen online.
Got a new laptop!
Went to a computer show on Saturday and bought a refurbished laptop. It was making me crazy not to have my own...
I stayed with the idea of wanting something small, so I got a Dell Latitude C400. It's nice and light.
Pluses: Software on the machine itself is worth what I paid for it - MS Office, XP Pro, and Symantic Antivirus all included.
Minuses: I need to buy a USB card to support USB 2.0 (1.1 is not fast enough for anybody, sorry!) CD/DVD bay is external. Don't really use that unless I'm installing new software, so it's not a big deal for me.
Also, the folks I bought it from are very interested in buying the broken one from me.
Overall, it's a downgrade from what I had before, but for $450, it's worth it to have a machine. Someday when I'm feeling "rich" I'll get a shiny new one with all the features I really want...